
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Linger a Moment

Let us linger a moment on this dark, chilly day. Only 29 degrees at 1:00 pm.
Actually it's a happy, warm day.
It's EASTER! He is Risen, as He said!
Because of that we have "a Living Hope."
Hope was the message in church this morning.
A message to warm us.
Here is another taste of warmth.
Cannas grown last summer.
Cleopatra (yellow) and White Speckles


rejanssen63021 said...

Thanks for the hope of warmer weather your pictures of flowers gave us today Mom! It is a great day for all believers in Christ as all days are - but especially today as we celebrate the resurrection of the our Savior! I love your website!


Larky Lady said...

Great to hear from you. Glad you enjoy this. It's a lot of fun. We will get spring someday.
