
Friday, March 21, 2008

Sharing England

Sharing England through pictures. Beginning today I will show some that we took in October, 2007. These are some typical street scenes. Some were taken as we drove, so they may be a little fuzzy.


Anonymous said...

Great pics Larky Lady, where were they taken exactly....i'm in the UK and would love to know if you came to my home town of Hertford.

Larky Lady said...

Thank you, Shadow Cat. I checked with EG and he said you are near London. We did go to London on one trip but not through your town. He has a home in Astwood Bank. These pictures were taken on a day trip to Tewkesbury and Bewdley.

Unknown said...

I couldn't quite put my finger on what looked odd in these pictures of the streets. Then I realized they aren't parked in the same direction. Some forward, some backward. Can they just park whatever direction they happen to be going when they see an open space? Does it create havoc when they leave?

Larky Lady said...

Answer to first question is, "yes."
Answer to second question is, "it doesn't seem to." EG says, "you have to be good at maneuvering and three-point turns!"

Unknown said...

I would not do so good. I avoid parallel parking at all costs!
