
Friday, April 11, 2008

A Garland of White

That’s what the pelicans were called by today's local newspaper’s article about their temporary stopover in Pine Lake State Park. "They are big, they are white and by all accounts hungry for fish." Over 300 pelicans, by some counts, produced the "big show on the lake." They got absolutely no privacy whatsoever as sightseers came in from considerable distance for the relatively rare view and seemed not the least bit intimidated by all the onlookers. With their cars lining the water’s edge, the gathering of camera toting people was a sight in itself.
The pelicans are mostly bound for Canada, experts say, and it was probably a little bit of winter left lingering in the air that got them to slow down and stay over a while on the lakes. When they arrived here and found some of the upper lake still frozen, they might have instinctively stopped to wait for a few more degrees change in the season.

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